About Me

Your Coach - Allyn Preece

I am driven by a desire to help athletes develop and achieve their goals whilst creating an enjoyable and supportive environment to learn.

I have been an S&C Coach for 6 years working with athletes in amateur and professional sport at youth and senior levels.

So why do I coach?

Cue the classic 'failed athlete turned coach' story. But it started with tennis coaching. There I found that helping people get better at something they love was extremely rewarding.

Combining that love of coaching and my knowledge of strength and conditioning was a no-brainer.

After years of coaching at all levels of sport, and experiencing high performance environments across the world I have come full circle. The environment doesn't matter to me, it is the act of coaching and developing people that I find rewarding.

So I am here to bring the knowledge from my experiences to help you achieve your goals as an athlete.

My Mission

Make high quality strength and conditioning coaching available to athletes performing at any level of sport. Whether you are a professional athlete, pushing towards pro sport, or looking to excel at your own level, I aim to provide you with the support you need to help with your goal.

Improve the offering of injury rehab services available - filling the gap between early-mid stage rehab and a successful return to performance.

I work with physios to help you train around an injury initially and then help you to return to sport stronger, fitter and faster than before.

Together, we will create a supportive and enjoyable environment where you can learn and develop. We will build a community of athletes that can learn from each other, support each other and drive each other to greatness.

AP Performance Values

Values influence our goals, our actions and help guide our direction in life.

My values act as a guide to how I coach, the environment I want to create and what I ask of you when we work together.


I believe in a high support, high demand environment. We will work together to create a supportive but challenging environment to train in. This is the foundation for the other values to be built upon.

There are 4 key pillars:


If training isn't enjoyable to some degree it will be hard to remain consistent. I tailor each program to the individual so we can collaborate to come up with a training plan that maximises your enjoyment.


Being willing to put in the hard work, even when the going gets tough is essential. 50% effort gets 50% of the results.


Personal accountability is highly important - what do you do when nobody is watching? We will track your training logs, habits and performance tests to help hold you accountable.


Mastery is underpinned by the desire to improve, and be the best you can be. Nailing the small details can be the difference between just being good and achieving greatness.


Sits at the top. The thing we are all hoping to improve. If any of the pillars start to crumble, cracks will appear in our performance.